Con Lynch, the CEO of CFE Group, is taking on a challenge to support the Aras Mhuire Nursing Home in County Kerry.
Feed Compounder: Continued investment brings big returns for compounders
A new CSV14-3 CNC countersinking machine by O&J HØJTRYK, is a fully new designed unit for hardened and non-hardened ring dies. The operator’s panel allow full control of a range of parameters in both manual and auto mode, and gives the possibility to save the different kind of die data to be used on identical ring dies.
The machine is constructed for ring dies with a maximum width of 700mm, and an outside diameter from Ø450 to Ø1400mm, and weight of up to 2000 kg. A Web link for remote fault finding, programming & software updates.
Benefits of latest investment:
Maintains die integrity for optimum pelleting efficiency
Even die surface for perfect alignment with roll assemblies
CNC countersinking ensures even angle and depth to maximise throughput of refurbished dies
Reduced energy consumption of pellet press
Quality assured every time refurbished
Quick turnaround of dies